Unmasking the Domestic Abuser in the Church

Author: Jeff Crippen Page 3 of 81

The RASN as Spiritual Elitist

And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual. (1Corinthians 2:13)

This verse has been twisted and misapplied very, very often in the history of the Christian church, by people who want to be regarded as a kind of elite, “super-saint.” Such arrogance insists that “those who are spiritual” means that there is a lower class and an upper class of Christian. And, of course, the ones who teach this falsehood, always turn out to be members of the elite group. They, unlike the commoners, have been “taught by the Spirit” and the rest of us must emulate them and crave to become members of their class.

This is all entirely opposite to what the Apostle Paul means in this passage. He identifies two, and only two, categories of human beings – the natural man, and the spiritual man. Every real Christian, everyone who has been born again by faith in Christ, is indwelt by and is taught by the Spirit through the Word of God, the Bible. In other words, those who are spiritual are those who are in Christ and who are now radically different from the world and its natural worldlings.

What does this have to do with the RASN (reviler, abuser, sociopath, narcissist). Just this – RASNs who choose religion as their field of narcissistic supply, very often present themselves as a member of this false upper class of saints. They crave to be exalted in their local church. They seek (and very typically) positions – elder, pastor, music director, teacher, etc – and sadly, due to the naivete of the rest of the church members, very often achieve what they seek.

I suspect that many of you have known one or more of these kind. They can put on “holy talk.” They invite you to meet with them so they can “disciple” you. They seek a following and are intensely jealous of anyone whom they perceive to have a following. They put themselves forward as the “go to” person. Whether you need a Bible question answered or some kind of counseling – they are the ones to meet that need.

In politics lately you have heard of the “deep state” in reference to people and powers who operate behind the scenes, pursuing their own agendas. RASNs, because they regard themselves as super-saints, a cut above everyone else in the church, are a kind of “deep state.” They are constantly working to effect their own program, influencing people to go their direction, and very typically in doing so they are working against the real appointed leadership of the church. It is no wonder then that division and strife are so very common in the churches. These elitists are working non-stop to sow their seeds of discord. Remember, RASNs love to turn people against one another because divided people are easier to control.

If you are a Christian, that is, if you have been born again through faith in Christ, then you are what Paul calls “spiritual.” You are taught by the Spirit of Christ, led by the Spirit of Christ, always through the Word of Christ in the Bible. So don’t be intimidated by the elitist RASN. Be wise and understand that such a person is most often a wolf in wool.

Why are RASNs Drawn to Churches?

Recently I experienced a replay of something (someone) which has happened to me countless times in my 41 years as a pastor. I suspect that most of you will say, “Oh yes, I have met that guy too.”

The setting is in the local church. Some Sunday, let’s call him Mr. Log in the Eye (LE for short), Mr. LE shows up at church. Why is he there? To worship God? Hardly. He is drawn there because religion is his chosen vehicle for self-exaltation by using and abusing others. Religion can be such a wonderful tool for – Pharisees. So here he comes.

Before his time on this particular Sunday is over, he will have minutely examined and judged just about everything and everyone. Following the morning service, he inevitably will approach the pastor and offer (unrequested of course) his judgment. Mr. LE’s words are abrasive. They are inappropriate and fundamentally unkind. He is a reviler – a person who shoots missiles with his words.

Now, Mr. LE is the kind of person who is trouble. Who is toxic. Who is divisive. He is the kind of person we do not want to be among us. And more – if he brings a wife and/or children along with him, they will be quiet and withdrawn while Mr. LE expounds. When you are on the receiving end of this fellow, you feel those darts within. In the moment, you really don’t know how to respond. You are left feeling discouraged and a bit of a failure.

Many domestic abusers I have had the sad “privilege” of dealing with in our own church, were just like Mr. LE. Arrogant. Judgmental. Unthankful. Rude and abrasive. I do not let such a person continue to use our church as his (or her) playground to feed their arrogance and entitlement. Abuse me once, shame on you. Abuse me a second time, and reject being corrected, and you will be shown the door. Mr. LE is not to be allowed to continue his abuse of Christ’s people.

Tit 3:10-11 As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, (11) knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

John Bunyan Describes a RASN Perfectly in “The Life and Death of Mr. Badman”

We’ve talked a good deal about his evil ways, but Mr. Badman added this to all his wickedness − he was a very proud man − exceedingly proud and haughty in mind. He had a look that said he must not be contradicted or opposed, because he considered himself to be as wise as the wisest person in the country, as good as the best, and as handsome as any. He took great delight in praising himself and also relished the praises others gave him. He couldn’t stand to have anyone think themselves above him, or to have their intellect or celebrity set before his. He had limited social manners toward his equals, but for those who were of an inferior rank, he looked down on them in great contempt. And if at any time he had a remote occasion having to do with them, he’d act aloof but with a very domineering spirit. Solomon gave a characteristic note about him when he said, Proud and haughty scorner is his name, who deals in proud wrath (Proverbs 21:24). He never thought his manner of living good enough, his clothes fine enough, or his praise refined enough….

Disregard what you say and laugh at you? That’s what the proud man will do no matter what Scripture you bring him, unless God strikes his conscience by the Word. Mr. Badman used to work for those who told him about his pride, but it did no good. Besides, when you have said what you can, they [ie, The RASN] will tell you they aren’t proud but that you are the one who is the proud man or you wouldn’t judge, nor would you in such a boldly disrespectful and evil-speaking way meddle with other men’s matters like you do.

Bunyan, John. The Life and Death of Mr. Badman (Updated, Illustrated): An Analysis of a Wicked Man’s Life, as a Warning for Others (Bunyan Updated Classics Book 4) (pp. 145-147). Aneko Press. Kindle Edition.

As we have been reading through this great book by John Bunyan (author of Pilgrim’s Progress), I have been repeatedly struck with Bunyan’s insight into RASNs (revilers, abusers, sociopaths, narcissists). Here he describes the terrible pride of such people. They refuse to be corrected or even to be disagreed with. They praise themselves and demand praise from others. Their sense of superiority and entitlement is astonishing.

I recommend this book very highly, but with this caution. Bunyan’s portrayal of the abuser is so accurate that the book can be rather triggering for anyone who has been abused by a Mr. Badman. Nevertheless, it is filled with practical wisdom, and – spoiler alert – Badman gets justice in the end.

Insisting that an Abuser is a Christian is a denial of the Biblical Doctrine of the New Birth

2Co 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

One of the most prevalent false teachings found in local churches, “Christian” literature and “Christian” counseling is the insistence that a RASN (reviler, abuser, sociopath, narcissist) can still be a Christian. The error goes even further, instructing people who have been victimized and targeted by these toxic individuals, that they must “believe the best” and accept the RASN’s claim to be a Christian.

But the thing is impossible.

As Paul states in the verse above, to be a Christian means being a new person. A newly birthed creation of God. Therefore, certain things will no longer be true of the new man. He will not think like he used to. His mindset will no longer be self, self, self. He will have been taught by Jesus to love. All of these things and more speak of a radical, radical change.

The Bible knows nothing of someone who walks in sin without repentance being a Christian.

1Jn 2:4-5 Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, (5) but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him:

1Jn 2:9-11 Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness. (10) Whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in him there is no cause for stumbling. (11) But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.

I find it intriguing (and very frustrating) that so many professing Christians see these truths as so radical, so black and white, that surely they must be softened down. “I mean, John surely could not have meant that someone who is a real Christian will love his brother, and that anyone who does not love others is not a Christian. No, we must not think in such absolutes.”

Really? The Bible DOES speak in such absolutes! We have it throughout Scripture.

The beginning of getting free of the “Christian” RASN is to realize that God means what He says. A RASN is not a Christian. He or she is a counterfeit from whom we must separate. And from whom we have the right to separate.

Naivete About Evil is Dangerous

“Besides,” Legion said, “if they discover our intentions, they may send to their King for aid. If they do that, I know very well what it will mean for us. For this reason, let us assault them with the false appearance of fairness, covering our true intentions with all manner of lies, flatteries, and deceptive words; feigning things that never will be, and promising that which they shall never find. This is the way to win Mansoul and make them open their gates to us and even make them desire us to come in to them.

“The reason I think this approach will be best is that the people of Mansoul are all simple and innocent. Every one of them is honest and true, and they don’t even know what it is to be assaulted with deception, cunning, and hypocrisy. They are strangers to lying and misleading lips. Therefore, we won’t be detected by them at all, if disguised in this way. Our lies shall be accepted as true sayings, and our counterfeit transactions as upright dealings. What we promise them, they will believe, especially if we pretend to have great love for them and that our intention is only for their benefit and honor, as we deliver all our lies and contrived words.” (For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. – 2 Corinthians 11:13-14)

Bunyan, John. The Holy War (Updated, Illustrated): Made by Shaddai upon Diabolus for the Regaining of the Metropolis of the World (Bunyan Updated Classics Book 2) (pp. 9-12). Aneko Press. Kindle Edition.

This passage is from John Bunyan’s allegory, The Holy War written sometime after he authored Pilgrim’s Progress. It is, in allegorical form, the account of Satan creeping into Eden and through cunning deception leading Adam and Eve into sin, thus winning the creation for himself. In this quote, we have Legion proposing to his diabolic allies in evil, the strategy to be followed in this plot to trick the inhabitants of Mansoul into handing their city over to these devils, and to do so willingly.

Notice carefully how these demons resolve to use the innocent naivete of the people against them. It will not even occur to them, the demons realize, that someone could be lying to them for evil purposes. They are simple, innocent, honest, and true and they do not even know what it is to be targeted by lying, cunning deceit.

Herein then in important wisdom. “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. “But beware of men… “(Mat 10:16-17) Revilers, abusers, sociopaths, and narcissists and their kind all prey upon the simple. They use cunning and deception, putting on a disguise of righteousness, knowing that their target will never suspect their evil intent. Why? Because they are naive about evil. They assume everyone else is just like them. It won’t even occur to the victim that the RASN could be in disguise and lying to them.

Don’t be naive about evil. Don’t fall for the propaganda so many preachers of our day are spewing from their pulpits, telling us that people are all just like us, that their intentions are sometimes flawed but basically good, and that it is sinfully judgmental to not think the best about everyone. That is how Mansoul fell. And our enemy is working his same old schemes still.

Sugar and Spice but Nothing Nice

Pro 5:3-4 For the lips of an adulteress drip honey And smoother than oil is her speech; (4) But in the end she is bitter as wormwood, Sharp as a two-edged sword.

Solomon is specifically warning his son here about the danger of the wicked woman, but I want to make a bit different application of these verses which, I trust, is not a misuse of the text. Specifically, I want to talk to you about another kind of woman who, I suspect, many of you have been damaged by.

In many if not most local churches, and certainly in the Christian “celebrity” circles, you will meet a woman (apply this to men also, but I am saving that for a separate post) who appears to be the epitome of godliness. She is the head of the women’s ministry. She teaches a Bible study. In larger churches she may even be on the speaking circuit or an author of books about the Godly woman. Or she may just be a “pillar” in her church to whom others looks as someone to emulate. She will tell you how to raise your children. She expounds on her “verse-for-the-day.” She is the source of biblical wisdom for struggling souls.

Have you met her? I imagine most of you have.

But so often the entire thing is a facade. A disguise. A deceptive show by a narcissist meant to gain praise and acclaim. The disguise covers up what she really is. Her words drip honey. He speech is smoother than oil. But in reality she is bitter as wormwood and her words, proceeding from her evil heart, are a sharp, cutting, reviling sword.

And if you disagree with her or confront her with error, that sword is going to come out. She is a bully. A user of others. Her religion is a lie. For all of her Bible talk, for all of her words about Jesus, He does not know her and she does not know Him. Religion and the church are simply her chosen vehicle for self-glory and for exercising power and control over others.

I would be quite interested in hearing some of you stories of encounters you have had with – what shall we name her? Mrs. Wormwood? Yes, let’s go with that title.

Let’s Talk about the Cruelty and Coldness of the RASN’s Abandonment

for Demas, having loved this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica…(2Ti 4:10)

Where to begin with this topic? Narcissists – let’s start here (and the rest of the RASN crowd does the same thing anyway). A relationship – a friendship, a marriage, a familial relation, etc, with a narcissist can initially and perhaps even for an extended time, appear to be real. Love-bombing, flattering – these and more are all weapons of the narcissist to deceive and use.

But then the day comes – and I have had multiple people who have experienced this use the very same phrase – the day comes when just as if someone had thrown a switch, the Demas deserts you. Overnight, everything changed. From one day to the next. Over. Done. Gone. Desertion with no remorse.

I bet Demas had appeared to be a true Christian brother to Paul. But his real love was elsewhere. For whatever selfish purpose, he was happy to hang with Paul – until it was going to cost him. And then he hit the road. Back to the world and that is where his heart was all along anyway.

If you are born again, if you truly know Christ, then this kind of thing either has happened to you or it is going to happen to you. Count on it. I have had professing Christians tell me how much they loved me and how thankful they were for our ministry, and then boom! Gone never to be seen again. No apparent reason. Or, if pressed by someone, you can bet that they will put the blame on you. But you will still be flabbergasted and hurt at how someone like this could just desert?

Think of it – the coldness of this abandonment, so often followed up by persecution. And often the abandonment happens even if the wicked one is still living under the same roof as the one abandoned.

Desertion and abandonment clearly reveal the real heart and mind of a person. It is revealed that the friendship, the apparent love, was just a ruse. And once we understand this, as painful as it is, we will have grown wiser.

RASNs are Fools – Here is a Perfect Example

As a follow up to this previous post – RASNs are Stupid, The Lord Says So – I want to give you a perfect example provided by a friend who is an abuse survivor. Her story shows how these kind of toxic people are actually made to be fools by their mentality of superiority and entitlement. They are never wrong – just ask them.

My ex-abuser’s leg was broken because he didn’t get out of the way of a ski patrol snow mobile because he claimed he had the right of way. He sued the ski area and we got a settlement from the insurance company (which I used to put the down payment on a house since he took us through bankruptcy and I lost everything, including my piano). But he didn’t get as much as he wanted because witnesses said he could’ve easily avoided the ski patrol. It was typical of him – he continuously put my daughter and me in harm’s way just to prove he was right. 

RASNs, like this one, are entitled and superior. They are never wrong and everyone must bow to them. And it is these kinds of lies which make them a fool. What kind of person refuses to move out of the way of a truck? A RASN. And what kind of person refuses to admit fault and even goes to court to punish those who have not yielded to his entitlement? A fool. This is what RASNs are, and “fool” is what the Lord calls them.

The Terrible Danger of an Unconverted Ministry

Mat 15:12-14 Then the disciples came and said to him, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?” (13) He answered, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. (14) Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”

Listen to this great and absolutely true quote from a true preacher of Christ in Scotland long ago:

A ministry destitute of vital religion is one of the most unnatural of all things and one of the deadliest curses which can light on a Christian body; and to the individual himself it is full of eternal hazard. An unregenerate man, after joining a Christian church, is less likely to be converted than he was previously. If he becomes a student of theology, the probabilities of final unrepentant are tremendously magnified; and if he enters into the function ministry (the pastorate), the hope of his being saved is faint indeed.” [John Brown, Hints to Divinity]

One of the fundamental reasons that false and hurtful counsel is given by a pastor to a victim of abuse is that the pastor is unconverted. This is not always the reason for such malpractice, but it is much more common than we might realize. The Pharisees of Jesus’ day held the people they were supposed to shepherd in spiritual bondage and actually prevented them from finding Christ.

Many pastors of local churches are simply not born again. As a result, the sermons they preach and the counsel they give, are not from the Lord. Such men are not teachable because with out the Spirit of Christ, a person cannot hear Christ’s voice. In fact, that voice is repugnant to such people.

If you have been ordered by a pastor or group of elders that you are not permitted to separate from or divorce a domestic abuser, then there is a very high likelihood that you are being counseled by people who do not know the Lord. Following the blind will only lead you to a pit.

I can remember a time years ago when I had been indoctrinated myself with the tradition of men which only allowed divorce for adultery or desertion. In fact, domestic abuse wasn’t even on my radar. I hadn’t really thought about it that much. But then, one day, the idea popped into my thinking – “aren’t wedding vows actually the subscription to terms of a contract? Isn’t marriage fundamentally a contract entered into before God and witnesses? And if that be the case, then if one party in the contract violates the terms and in reality never had any intention of abiding by them, is not such a contract rendered null and void?”

No one told me this. But the Lord was beginning to work in me to show me that people married to someone who habitually violates the vows he/she took, have a right to be freed from that marriage contract, the contract already having been broken by the other party.

And this is why I maintain that a pastor who persists in clinging to a position which binds an abuse victim to perpetual abuse is very likely not born again at all. Not a Christian at all. But in fact a false shepherd.

RASNs are Stupid – The Lord Says So

Pro 12:1 Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.

Pro 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.

A RASN (reviler, abuser, sociopath, narcissist) refuses to be corrected. He knows that he knows and no one is going to tell him otherwise. This is what makes him stupid – a fool.

RASNs do not look ahead and calculate consequences of their actions. They dwell on the present. If they were wise, they would realize that their self-worship is counterproductive. Domestic abusers for instance often have an excellent wife. And yet the abuser sets out to control her. He often sabotages her work. He destroys her relationships. He demolishes his marriage and has to spend thousands of dollars in a divorce. But he will never see it. He will never examine himself.

Pro 10:8 The wise of heart will receive commandments, but a babbling fool will come to ruin.

Pro 17:10 A rebuke goes deeper into a man of understanding than a hundred blows into a fool.

A fool is headed for hell. But don’t try to tell him so. Not only is it a waste of breath….

Pro 29:9 If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet.

This is the ultimate folly, the greatest act of stupidity habitually carried out by the RASN is his exaltation of himself so that he, not God, is the center of the universe:

Psa 14:1 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good.

Turn away from such a person as soon as you can.

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