Unmasking the Domestic Abuser in the Church

Tag: abuser’s tactics Page 1 of 22

The Best Analysis and Description of a Narcissist I Have Heard – Hubris

What Drives a Narcissist's Exaggerated Self Importance is a recent post by Dr. C on his Surviving Narcissism youtube channel. This is a must watch video. We should make a handout size card with the outline points of this post on it to hand to the RASN (reviler, abuser, sociopath,…

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RASNs Make Promises, Then Attack When we Act on Them

Pro 14:5 A faithful witness will not lie, But a false witness speaks lies. Many years ago, in the first church I pastored, there was a woman who regarded herself as a pillar of the church. She was the pianist. She was the church bookkeeper. She hosted and taught a…

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A Review of What a Reviler is

But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one. (1Co 5:11) The "R" in our acronym RASN…

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Why are RASN’s Threatened When we Disagree With Them?

Proverbs 22:24-25 Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man, (25) lest you learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare. If you have had much contact at all with a RASN (reviler, abuser, sociopath, narcissist), then you have no doubt been…

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Naivete About Evil is Dangerous

“Besides,” Legion said, “if they discover our intentions, they may send to their King for aid. If they do that, I know very well what it will mean for us. For this reason, let us assault them with the false appearance of fairness, covering our true intentions with all manner…

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RASNs are Fools – Here is a Perfect Example

As a follow up to this previous post - RASNs are Stupid, The Lord Says So - I want to give you a perfect example provided by a friend who is an abuse survivor. Her story shows how these kind of toxic people are actually made to be fools by…

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The Things that Weigh Upon You don’t Weigh Upon a RASN

"THERE IS NO FEAR OF GOD BEFORE THEIR EYES."(Rom 3:18) As most of you probably already know, one of the most common ways people fall prey to the RASN (reviler, abuser, sociopath, narcissist), is to assume that everyone thinks pretty much just like us. Oh sure, there are those serial…

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Amazing Insight of John Bunyan into the Evil Mind of the RASN

Most of you know John Bunyan as the author of Pilgrim's Progress. But he wrote other books as well and one of those is entitled "The Life and Death of Mr. Badman." It is an account of an evil man's pilgrimage - to hell. The following is an excerpt from…

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RASNs Dig up the Past (and twist it)

“Their throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to deceive.” “The venom of asps is under their lips.” “Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.” (Rom 3:13-14) Narcissistic abusers and their kind (RASNs) dig up the past. And they will do so entirely out of context. By…

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Dr. Phil is Right on – This is a must listen

I don't follow Dr. Phil, but I came across this talk he gave on the narcissistic personality. I listened to it and before I finished I knew I needed to share it. We watched it last Sunday in the morning class and I sent the link to our people who…

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