Unmasking the Domestic Abuser in the Church

Tag: Gospel

New Sermon Series Beginning this Sunday – The Apostle’s Creed

If you go to this link - Apostles' Creed Sermon Series - it will take you to Light For Dark Times where I just posted an announcement of a new sermon series beginning this Sunday. It is one you will not want to miss.

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Christ Must Come Down to Me

I came across this anonymous poem recently which describes a sinner who had tried for long years to work his way up to God through his own works and merit. Until.... O long and dark the stairs I trod With trembling feet to find my God, Gaining a foothold bit…

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The Remedy Against the Enemy

This article is taken from the preface to Martin Luther's commentary on Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. Did you know that this commentary was instrumental in the salvation of John Bunyan, Charles Wesley, John Wesley, and others? It was. In his preface, Luther writes about what he calls passive and…

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Christless Religion is Always Abusive

Luke 24:44-47 Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” (45) Then he opened their minds to understand the…

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If Your Plumb Line is Off…Everything will be

2Co 10:12 Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding. If you have ever built something like a shed or any structure like…

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New Short Book Published – Who is a Christian? (Jeff Crippen)

This 28 page booklet, which is based on my sermon by the same title, is now available on Amazon both in print and kindle formats*. I hope it will be a valuable tool for evangelism, but also to present to someone who thinks they know Christ but...perhaps do not. As…

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