Unmasking the Domestic Abuser in the Church

Category: Blog News Page 2 of 8

Be sure and read this post at Light for Dark Times

If you go on over to my Light for Dark Times blog, you will find an important post entitled "An Acid Test to Reveal the Counterfeit." It contains some real wisdom from John Bunyan and John Calvin on this subject.

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A Beautiful New Scripture Poster

Our friends and faithful CRC members (the Austins) have their own business at graphicspaces.com They have been a huge encouragement to us these past years and several times they have designed Scripture posters for us which we display in the church building and at home. Recently I asked if they…

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This Week’s Video Links

Here are the links to the Sunday morning class, the sermon, and the mid-week Bible studies. Sunday School - Christiana (Part 2 of Pilgrim's Progress) - https://youtu.be/Elpx8BMbV5E Sermon - Pt 3, Will We See Sadie Again?  https://youtu.be/DcNPP-Xh5aY Ephesians Study - https://youtu.be/qRVB9dw_ef8 Revelation Study - https://youtu.be/IJA1bpB2E0g

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Last Week’s Video Links to our Sermons, Class, and Bible Studies

Christiana (Pilgrim's Progress Pt 2) Sunday Sermon, Will We See Sadie Again (Pt 2) Ephesians Bible Study Revelation Bible Study

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Links to Last Week’s Sermon, SS Class (Christiana), and Bible Studies

SS Class, Christiana - https://youtu.be/y14c-dSfU1Y Sermon, Gnashing of Teeth -  https://youtu.be/j08UL7NTIxw Ephesians Study - https://youtu.be/bMXiiv_rkTI Revelation Study - https://youtu.be/i7_raANTRlE

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Be SURE you read this post

Here is a link to a post I wrote over at Light for Dark Times (to be published Friday morning, 5-12-23). Want to see some biblical proof that divorcing an abuser is not only allowed by the Lord, it is His instruction?!

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Here are Links to this past week’s sermon, Sunday class, and mid-week Bible studies

Pilgrim's Progress Part 2 (Christiana) - https://youtu.be/2UurbTxuW5o Sunday Sermon - No Time for the Lord, https://youtu.be/MS1T04-yrxE Ephesians Study - https://youtu.be/6FVWr2rrcgo Revelation Study - https://youtu.be/4oyTz9fE-cw NOTE:  All of these links are to youtube, but these are also all on sermonaudio.com/crc if you prefer

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Video Links to last Week’s Sunday class, Sermon, and mid-week Bible studies

These are links to the Pilgrim's Progress class, Sunday sermon (April 2nd), and the two mid-week Studies (Ephesians and Revelation). I will try to remember to post these here each week. NOTE: We concluded Pilgrim's Progress reading (21 videos) last Sunday but all of the class videos (as is true…

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Head Over to LFDT’s and Read About this common trait of the wicked

Here is an important post published today over at Light for Dark Times I bet you will be able to identify with what I have to say over there.

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Be sure to read today’s post at lightfordarktimes.com

Friday morning's post over at Light for Dark Times blog is an important one which I hope you can read and be helped by. You can access it by this link: Your Motives are Always Evil - Really?

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