Unmasking the Domestic Abuser in the Church

Our Facebook and Youtube channels have a new name: Light for Dark Times

I wanted to let you know that I will still be teaching the two mid-week Bible studies (John, Wednesdays 7AM, and Revelation (Thursdays 7AM) as well as delivering a sermon online Sundays at 11AM. And you need to be aware that the titles for the sites have changed to Light for Dark Times (youtube and facebook). The sermonaudio.com/crc site is still the active Sermon Audio site where sermons and Bible studies are posted there.

I noticed that the new title doesn’t always come up right away in a search at youtube and facebook, so here are the links. (I did find that if you search with my name at those sites they will come up).

Facebook page: Light for Dark Times

Youtube page: Light for Dark Times

The two blogs will retain the same names: Unholy Charade at https://unholycharade.com

and –

Light for Dark Times at http://lightfordarktimes.com


More Thoughts on How Evil Isolates in order to Control


Bunyan’s Insights into The Devil’s Invasion Plans of Eden


  1. Jacob

    Amen. Thank you for being a light in dark times!


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