Unmasking the Domestic Abuser in the Church

No Wonder the Lord Calls the Wicked ‘Fools’

Heb 12:1-2 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, (2) looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

We have been reading through Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan each Sunday in the morning class. Christian, the main character, is a Pilgrim traveling through the wilderness of this world. He started out with a heavy burden on his back (his sin) and a book in his hand (the Bible). Bunyan likens the Christian’s life in this present world to a long journey from the City of Destruction (this world) to the Celestial City (heaven).

Similarly, the Apostle Paul says that this present life is like a race which we must run. No one can run it for us – we must do it. Jesus is our Guide, cheering us on and giving us directions. He is the one who has set this race in front of us, having run it before and ahead of us – for us.

Obviously then, we must fix our eyes on Jesus if we are going to finish this race well and avoid the many turns, detours, and deceptions which the enemy throws at us along the way. Those who are wise keep their eyes on Jesus and follow His lead.

And then there are those who are evil and stupid. How do they approach the race? Well, they insist that they can find their own way. That the course is one of their own choosing and so is the finish line. You can’t tell them otherwise. You can warn them that they are on Broadway which ends in hell – but they won’t listen. They are fools. Wise in their own eyes.

RASNs (revilers, abusers, sociopaths, narcissists) consider themselves to be so wise that they need listen to no one. Pretending to be wise, they have become fools. I’ve seen it and I suspect most of you have as well. These kind cut off the branch they are sitting on. Their marriage can be anything but loving. Their children increasingly love the world and want nothing to do with the narcissist’s religion. The house is burning down around them, but no matter. They will run their own race according to their own rules and not even Jesus is going to tell them which course to follow.

Rom 1:22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools,

So there they are, running and running but they will never reach the real finish line where life is to be found. They will run off the cliff that Broadway ends in and fall right into hell. Such is the way of the fool. They select their own course, follow their own path, and like Frank Sinatra – they sing all along, “I did it my way.” Wonder how that’s working out now for Frank, and all others who refuse to acknowledge and give thanks to the Lord?


Narcissists are all about Image


Ever Heard of “The Triple Knowledge?


  1. Dee

    Thank you, Pastor Crippen. I sometimes get so exhausted in dealing with so many of them, that I recently took my frustrations out in a poem. I have titled it, The Clique:
    There’s a clique.
    It’s filled with rumors and with lies.
    Yet each one within this clique
    Feels PROUD – so WISE and MIGHTY
    (at least in their own eyes).
    Who cares about their neighbor,
    Or even their own soul,
    When it is the clique instead of heaven
    That truly is their goal?
    They’ve no time to think of God above
    Or eternityin hell;
    They’re too busy spreading lies and toxic venom to the others –
    ‘Wicked sisters, ‘wicked brothers,
    As they live within the darkness of their own making –
    FAKING, while from others always taking,
    Sworn unto their motto, God forsaking:

  2. On the track….

    This is it! No one can run it for us – we must do it. Jesus is our Guide….. it is really that clear!!! RASNs will parasitically seek others to do the race for them….. in the end, that’s just it – you can’t win the reward of a finished race when you never ran it in the first place! Thank you for this visual – the race is something we must do……


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