Unmasking the Domestic Abuser in the Church

Jimmy Hinton Exposes the So-Called Southern Baptists "Caring Well" Sham

1Co 5:1-2  It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that is not tolerated even among pagans, for a man has his father’s wife.  (2)  And you are arrogant! Ought you not rather to mourn? Let him who has done this be removed from among you.

This article [Click on link below] by Jimmy Hinton is a bit lengthy, but it is a must read. As we have said here before, the Southern Baptists’ claim that they are sincerely changing in order to properly deal with sexual and other abusers in their midst is just smoke-blowing, PR damage control. Thank you Jimmy for exposing what is really going on. Even registered child molesters are to be given anonymity, welcomed into the churches, and the congregation kept in the dark about their presence.
Jimmy Hinton – SBC is Coddling Abusers


Don't Listen to People who want to ride the fence


Let's Put Away the Childish Nonsense We Have Been Taught About Who is a Christian!


  1. GypsyAngel

    This is Definitely an article that needed to be written! And by such a respected man as Jimmy Hinton to have done so is somewhat astonishing to me. Not that it was he per se, but that someone who is that respected to speak out so directly (if somewhat lengthy) is not what has recently been the norm. Could he be doing damage control as well? Or is this with genuine conviction? I’m hoping it is the latter. Thank you for sharing this oh so vital article.

  2. Rae Radika

    A red flag word used by deceptive churches and their evil leaders. “Shepherding” This word was used liberally by Faith Bible church in Spokane. Used by their elders even in other unaware church services. I sat in the pew and listened to his propaganda. I guess I needed “shepherding” because I did not accept the certified letters that I rejected via postal service. Walked out of a counseling session with the other wolves. Including the abuser.
    I have a Shepherd. I only need and want One. His name is Jesus Christ .
    Rae Radika

  3. Innoscent

    This is absolutely revolting! The only way this “theology of protecting abusers” can even exist –inspired from the devil himself– makes you wonder… how many among the “authoritarian leadership” are predators and fake leaders themselves…?

  4. no one down here

    All of this is so hard to process.
    from the standpoint of someone who has endured through years of multi-level abuse… although by God’s grace, never personally sexually assaulted…, these are horrible policies. In personal experience (although not the exact experience referenced in the article), there is no way I would ever want to walk into the same church as the person who did the abusing. Maybe someday I would be able to do that, I don’t know. For now, the answer is 100% no.
    from the standpoint of wanting to protect the children from something they shouldn’t even know exists… this is a hard no. Even IF you think the person may be “better” or “repented” or “changed” or whatever you have… there is NO WAY that person should be near any child in a “safe” church situation, where children (and even most adults) assume that everyone attending is safe.
    I would assume that there could be someone who was a predator who has genuinely found Christ… because God IS God, after all. But for us who don’t know the heart, there has to be utmost protection happening. IF the person comes to church, and the church leadership has the information necessary, all the parents need to be alerted and as many safeguards as possible put in place. He never gets to work in any ministry. He always arrives with / sits with / doesn’t depart after his “guard” … and everyone knows that Mr. Smith is making sure that Mr. Jones is not preying on people. If you have to, pay someone to come to church and babysit the offender. Double win… safeguards and spreading gospel. The offender needs to know that all the congregation knows.
    1.) If he is repented, he will understand that there are consequences… in this case, consequences designed to protect others and also to remove temptation from him.
    2.) If the person is NOT repented, this is still designed to protect others and is ultimately for his good, even if he doesn’t think so.
    3.) If he is not repented and is coming to the church looking for easy prey… openly transparent policies like this will deter him from wanting to stick around… he is going to go to a different church and your congregation will be protected for another day.

  5. cindy burrell

    As far as the Caring Well process has been designed, those well-grounded teachings by some are rendered virtually meaningless when coupled with unbiblical, clearly dangerous ones. I had my concerns about this program when I first began reading about it. My initial doubts and fears about the structure of this program have been tragically confirmed.
    Thank you for providing this important exposé.

    • Jeff Crippen

      And I hope everyone knows that these hotshot celeb abuse experts who created this thing include Leslie Vernick and Chris Moles among others. Look it up online and you will see their names.

      • No one down here

        I am constantly working to guard against personal bitterness. So this hopefully comes from an anti-bitter spirit. But as helpful as these 2 have been, there came a time when I stopped reading their stuff, due to an ick feeling. I really think they have a lot to offer. But. I have trouble when someone who says they are all for helping abuse victims 1) sets up “for pay” resources needed to heal the victim who has little to no money or has no control of any spending… 2) makes it difficult for a victim to discern whether or not the abuse is bad enough to justify fleeing.

        • Jeff Crippen

          No One Down Here – this is very well put. Thank you. Leslie should know better, but she has been working with Moles for sometime and his emphasis of course is his fix-it program to rehab abusers. So he is very popular. Why? Because that is the message churches want to hear. It fits the Christian counseling world mindset of “we can fix anything and anyone, just come to us and we will tell you how.” I have also found that their message keeps them in demand. And I have also found the hard way that my two-fold message of 1) Abusers never change, and 2) A marriage to an abuser doesn’t need to be fixed, it needs to be ended, doesn’t “sell” well in the happening circles of Christendom. Well Jesus didn’t sell well either, and He still doesn’t in our day. As the Bible says, beware when all men speak well of you.

  6. No one down here

    ”I have also found that their message keeps them in demand.”
    Yes. It is hard enough to find your way and live for the Lord when you have escaped abuse. When you are living in it every day, you are consumed with both survival and constant pain. If you are convinced you should stay… you are going to continually need third party support in order to just barely exist….

  7. cindy burrell

    I would like to add that my issue with Leslie Vernick is her book’s inconsistent message. Much of her book emphasizes ways victims can develop their CORE strength rather than identifying abuse and abusers. She shares more than one account where she diminishes the abuse, shames victims who remove themselves from the abusive environment or defends the abuser and pressures the victim to be nice to him. While her teachings seem to have improved somewhat over the years, to my knowledge her book remains on the shelf unchanged. As a survivor, I struggle with that.

    • Jeff Crippen

      I am receiving an increasing number of emails from victims who are putting her books away after realizing they were guilting them.

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