Unmasking the Domestic Abuser in the Church

Were RASNs always this bad? – the Progressive nature of Sin

Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;

In this description of the righteous person, David states three negatives to show qualities of the godly – walks not, stands not, sits not. This tells us that sin is progressive. It begins by walking in the guidance of the wicked, then advances to lingering in the path of evil ones, and finally “arrives” at sitting down in a fully settled comfort with the worst of sinners – scoffers. Sin is progressive. Like a disease, if left unchecked by repentance, it progresses until it consumes.

Your RASN (reviler, abuser, sociopath, narcissist) may not have always been what he or she is today. In some cases, this is one reason you were deceived by them. Their sin was in a kind of seed form. It was there – the narcissism, the entitlement, lack of conscience and so on – was there. But it was not so advanced. The RASN, you might say, walked in and listened to the counsel of the wicked. Gave an ear to it. Acted upon it. Took its dark advice. But as time progresses, so does sin. The walking became standing. Lingering in the way that the wicked frequent. A comradery with evil was developing until…

…the lingering became sitting. Having been entertained and fed over time, the RASN became one of the RASNs. Sin progresses.

In the early stages, during the walking era, your RASN may have had some regard for you – I’m not sure we would ever call it “love.” But it was enough to convince you that this person cared for you. That a friendship truly existed. But slowly and often imperceptibly, the sin grows. It begins to stand in evil and ultimately it sits down with it in comfort. The RASN belongs at that point. He or she regards you with contempt, and in my opinion at this stage of the progression, there is no turning back.

What are the lessons here? One, do not disregard early warning symptoms. A walking agreement with evil counsel is one of those early warning signs. Second, understand that a RASN is not going to get better. They are on a path, headed in a direction, which is the route to full alliance with evil. Sin is progressive. It does not get “better” with time.


Bunyan’s Insights into The Devil’s Invasion Plans of Eden – The Enemy uses our Naivete against us


How Does a True Church Deal with an RASN in it’s midst?


  1. George

    The truth you speak here Jeff is supported by scripture such as Isaiah 26:10
    New International Version
    “10 But when grace is shown to the wicked,
    they do not learn righteousness;
    even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil
    and do not regard the majesty of the Lord.”

  2. Michelle

    Such rich counsel and awareness in a simple way. So validating and reassuring to know the freedom and okayness of walking away because they never change.

    Sir, may I kindly request if we could have a visible Subscribe button on the blog as would help folks sign up to have new posts delivered inbox more easily.

    Thank you so much. This work is the types that affects generations.

  3. Em

    Thank you Pastor Crippen and George!
    I found 2 more passages, Hebrews 3:12-13; James 1:14-15.
    This explanation made all of these passages clear to me, and for the first time in 15 years I finally understand 3 “friends” that once really were friends but are no longer, and one family member. They started out slowly, they seemed normal, kind, and fine, but over time they became someone other than the people I once knew, not kind or fine at all. And they got progressively worse! I did not understand what I was experiencing for a long time, but I did take notice. I didn’t realize that people could start out nice and kind and make choices that turned them away from who they once were toward evil. I understand it now.
    This explains what I have witnessed, and it clears up my confusion with evil people I loved and once called my friends and family. It is sad and horrifying, and it is also their choice – making it all the more horrifying.


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